Business Services

Successful acquisition of GOREX by CWS Cleanrooms

As part of a cross-boarder project with our Dutch partner firm from CFI-Corporate Finance International, we advised CWS on the implementation of its buy-and-build strategy.

In the CWS Cleanrooms segment, Europe's first provider of a full range of cleanroom services, we coordinated the acquisition of the southern German specialist GOREX as lead corporate finance advisor.


  • Evaluation of targets for expansion in Germany
  • Approach of target companies and presentation of acquisition strategy
  • Advising on the valuation of the target companies
  • Coordination of due diligence and legal and tax advisors
  • Negotiation support
  • Project management

Result / Success

The acquisition is another milestone in the implementation of CWS Cleanrooms' growth strategy.

It enables CWS to further expand its cleanroom cleaning business, close local gaps and thus further complete its full-service offering consisting of garments, training, consumables and on-site service.

Your contact

Daniel Jürgenschellert

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

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