Construction & construction supply

Globally harmonized corporate management

For a manufacturer of hardware technology for window systems and products for room comfort, we were commissioned to design a globally harmonized corporate management system along the structure and process organization.


  • Conception of the "combined control concept" for the uniform evaluation of departmental and process performance as well as for rapid root cause analysis and initiation of measures
  • Definition and harmonization of elementary cross-functional E2E processes
  • Technical support in the implementation of all preconditions necessary for globally harmonized control (e.g. harmonization of cost centers, organizational and authority structure, etc.)
  • Assumption of a coordinating PMO role

Result / Success

  • Globally harmonized key performance indicators with global focus on the Group
  • Globally implemented and standardized E2E processes with clear responsibilities
  • Immediate transparency on business performance and elimination of manual reports
  • Efficient project approach: Core project team, stakeholders, IT implementers, management all pulling in the same direction

Your contact

Robert Leonhardt

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

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