
Ensuring the financing and realignment of an international automotive supplier

An international automotive supplier belonging to tier 1 in the premium segment contracted us to organise new financing for the company as part of a restructuring and growth phase. In addition to an international bank consortium (> EUR 100 million), this concerned both mezzanine capital (> EUR 10 million) and additional equity (> EUR 50 million).

A comprehensive package of measures was implemented in the scope of the corporate group’s realignment process. In this process, among other things, the cost structures in international plants and central management were adjusted. Additionally, transparency was improved, especially where calculation and financial planning were concerned. The management structure was modified and core processes, such as those in order processing and the interface between construction and production, were optimised.


  • Guaranteeing financing for future growth
  • Considerably reduce the cost structure to reach an EBITDA typical for the sector
  • Improving transparency (calculation, liquidity, financial planning)
  • Reorganising core processes (accepting orders, production) and modifying structural organisation (management structure)

Result / Success

We were able to guarantee financing for the corporate group. The group was able to become profitable again by implementing the measures devised in the scope of the restructuring concept.

Your conatct

Daniel Jürgenschellert

Heinrich-Heine-Allee 22
40213 Düsseldorf

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